Monday, February 23, 2015

Growing my twitter followers

The most basic way to increase followers is the more you post. The more you post with hashtag, the more targeted followers you will get. Hashtag helps to classify the targeted people. Thus, if you want to increase followers, you can categorize the tweets and start making conversation with people whom might follow you in future. 

Another way increase follower is to comment on relevant posts/news and retweet relevant news. Putting relevant comments is best way to start conversations with other people about specific interest. Also, retweet will help finding people who are interested in those topics and also to make friends with those people. 

Another fun fact is to tweet during peak hours will help increase the followers. post tweets , sending messages give best chance to be seen by others and to increase followers. One of internet marketing firm found out that 9a.m, noon, 3p.m and 6 p.m see heavy use. It might be better to post on those times. 
In my twitter, I only have seven friends because I just started using twitters. I will test these methods and find out if it works. 

In this screenshot, I retweeted one of the tweets in buzzfeed. It is about media and entertainment thus many will enjoy it. 
I followed some friends that twitter suggests for me. This is another easy method to follow and be followed by others. 

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